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Thunderbird Monthly Development Digest: August 2024

Hello Thunderbird Community! It’s August, where did our summer go? (or winter for the folks on the other hemisphere).

Our August has been packed with ESR fixes, team conferences, and some personal time off, so this is gonna be a bit of a shorter update, tackling more upcoming efforts than what recently landed on daily. Miss our last update? Find it here.

More Rust

If you’ve been looking at our monthly metrics you might have noticed that the % of Rust code in our code base is slowly increasing.

We’re planning to push forward this effort in the near future with more protocol reworks and clean up of low level code.

Stay tuned for more updates on this matter and some dedicated posts from the engineers that are driving this effort.

Pushing forward with Exchange

Nothing new to report here, other than that we’re continuing with this implementation and we hope to be able to enable this feature by default in a not so far off Beta.

The general objective before next ESR is to have complete email support and start tapping into Calendar and Address Book integration to offer the full experience out of the box. 

Global database

This is also one of the most important pieces of work that we’ve been planning for a while. Bringing this to completion will drastically reduce our most common data loss problems as well as drastically speeding up the performance of Thunderbird when it comes to internal message search and archiving.

Calendar rebuild

Another very large initiative we’re kicking off during this new ESR cycle is a complete rebuild of our Calendar.

Not only are we  going to clean up and improve our back-end code handling protocols and synchronization, but we’re also taking a hard look at our UI and UX, in order to provide a more flexible and intuitive experience, reducing the amount of dialogs, and implementing those features that users have come to expect from any calendaring application.

As usual, if you want to see things as they land you can always check the pushlog and try running daily, which would be immensely helpful for catching bugs early.

See ya next month.

Alessandro Castellani (he, him)
Director, Desktop and Mobile Apps

If you’re interested in joining the technical discussion around Thunderbird development, consider joining one or several of our mailing list groups here.

17 responses

Guiraudon wrote on

Mal voyant GIR 2

Monica Ayhens-Madon wrote on

Hi! We don’t understand this comment – can you explain it more?

Mike Smith wrote on

Can’t wait for Exchange support! So excited to finally be able to use Thunderbird without any 3rd party plugins in order to read Microsoft mail. I hope Exchange calendar integration also moves quickly as that too is critical.

I’m sure once native support for Exchange is implemented you’ll see an uptick in installations.

All the rest is gravy.

I really like where this is going and happy with the work Mozila is doing, keep it up!

James Chou wrote on

Is the message preview line still on your roadmap? It’s a great feature I rely on in Microsoft Outlook and Apple Mail.

Monica Ayhens-Madon wrote on

Hi there! We’ve reached out to the team and we’ll let you know once we hear back. 🙂

Robert wrote on

Amazing!! Thank you for all the hard work! 🙂

Monica Ayhens-Madon wrote on

You’re so welcome! Thanks for the thank you!

Joe D. Morgan wrote on

I hope all of these improvements will fix the last update (to 128) to Thunderbird that eliminated all of my 35 mail lists I use daily to advise people of upcoming events and the deaths of colleagues. Ever since the last update I can’t email messages to my group lists. It says sending of the message failed due to the group address being invalid and the form not being userr@host. I changed nothing in my Thunderbird program and all of a sudden I can’t send emails to any of my groups, which has happened since the last update.

Monica Ayhens-Madon wrote on

Hi! I made a short mailing list in Thunderbird to try and help troubleshoot this. Where are your mailing lists stored? Are they in your address book in Thunderbird? Also, is there a way you can cross out any personal info (you can do this in a Paint app) and share a screenshot of the message that is failing? What worked for me was going to Create Message, clicking on Contacts, going to the address book where my mailing list was, right clicking on it and clicking “Add to To:”

cantsea wrote on

Are you aware that the received emails are displayed with a bright white background when TB is in dark mode?
It blinds me everytime when I try to ready an email
The bug report is already a year old but it seems that no one noticed it?

Monica Ayhens-Madon wrote on

We’ve noticed this bug, and this is very much on our radar. In the meantime, there is an Add-on that came help with the message window:

Francisco Martinez Lechuga wrote on


Una de las cuentas que tengo es de Outlook y me llegó un correo en el cual me dicen que debo usar una aplicación que tenga doble autenticación que cumpla con los estándares de Microsoft.

En thunderbird tenemos esta posibilidad??

Maryjan wrote on

After the last update (128.2.0esr – 32 bit) Thunderbird on three workstations in the company is freezing terribly. When I read an email with content or attachments, I often have to wait 30-60 seconds for the email to open. A message appears in the bar – “The program is temporarily not responding”. What can I do? Before the update, the program worked stably, now it is impossible to work.

Monica Ayhens-Madon wrote on

Have you tried testing troubleshooting the memory usage, and reporting your results to Mozilla Support? You can find out how to do so here: We definitely recommend using Mozilla Support for all support questions – I’m only one employee replying to blog comments as part of my overall responsibilities, and SUMO has an entire community of people who know Thunderbird inside and out! Since troubleshooting can involve a lot of back and forth, and detailed questions, that definitely makes it the better place to follow up on this. We hope you can understand, and that you can get answers soon! Also, since you mentioned this is for your business, we have a Thunderbird for Enterprise mailing list:

SimonP wrote on

Any plans to provide a deb package repository like Firefox started doing recently?

Monica Ayhens-Madon wrote on

This is something we would like to provide at some point! Sorry we don’t have any more specific of a timeline yet.

Comments are closed.