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Thunderbird Podcast #1: Origin Stories

Welcome to the debut episode of the Thunderbird podcast, which we’re affectionately calling the ThunderCast! It’s an inside look at the making of Thunderbird, alongside community-driven conversations with our friends in the open-source world. We can’t wait for you to listen! 

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Highlights from Episode 1


We include a full transcript of the episode inside the podcast metadata, which should be supported by your podcast app. If it’s not, here’s a direct link to the Episode 1 transcript.

Chapter Markers

The ThunderCast includes chapters for podcast players that support the feature. If yours does not, here are some timestamps to help you navigate the episode:

Tags: K-9 Mail

11 responses

Thomas_U wrote on

Please make Thundercast available on Apple Podcasts. Thanks!

João Matos wrote on


Great 1st episode. Keep them coming.

I would like to suggest having an online voting system for the roadmap features (recommend that having an account should be mandatory to reduce bots).
I know it isn’t podcast related but please pass the suggestion to the right person.

Best regards,

João Matos

Luna bittin Jernberg wrote on

Saw it drop on Facebook
And listening now, feels like listening to old friends talking about Thunderbird as i meet two of you three at FOSDEM 2020 and 2023 and some really great information about things, added it to Pocketcasts on Android too, did not find it when searching but the direct link worked

TC68 wrote on

I was hoping for ThunderCats.

Not really – I am enjoying the outward facing aspects of the Thunderbird team in all the formats. Keep up the good work.

The product changes are great so far (contacts and calendars) and I am really looking forward to the update later this year.

TC68 wrote on

Also, just a shoutout to AntennaPod as a podcast app which is open source.

db wrote on

Can you add this feed to ?

Jason Evangelho wrote on

It seems to be listed there.

Hela Odingirl wrote on

Hi #TBFamily, really loved this interview like the style of being to the point and straight.
[Jason, this isn’t to spread hate about the app/development, I just want to criticize it’s problems constructively. I don’t mind if you block this comment, I just want to say my opinions to the team.]
Regarding Android version, I highly recommend to not release this application branded as “Thunderbird” without redesigning the Settings menu and Search bar.
I see tags to be a really game changing feature but yeah not implemeting something would get less hate compared to implementing something incomplete.
The search bar looks like on of the old material bar and I would recommend it to make look like a modern Material you/3 bar.
Settings menu is really confusing just like the desktop experience.
Please add an advanced section after categorising the settings menu properly where you could put all settings that most people don’t use.
It’s frightening for me to even enter the present menu.
Please organise it in a better way. I could share some apps who do it the right way if you want.

George wrote on

Huge congrats! Really enjoying this!

Jim wrote on

Excellent podcast! Keep this going! Loved discovering the quality of approach going into this project and the history. In your next episode, could you talk about the target user base and implications for your roadmap holistically across Thunderbird and K9? Without a calendar on mobile (even a standalone ThunderbirdK9 one) does the proposition stack up? Calendar is so strategic for people with custom domains. Maybe you could discuss ideas like ‘conditional’ donations to vote for and steer the roadmap – half your donation is unconditional, but you commit to double that if a certain feature is prioritised – now that would be interesting!!! Will be great to have diversity on the mic (female?) representation as you keep going – looking forward to the next one. J

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