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Thunderbird Monthly Development Digest – December 2024

13 responses

Happy New Year Thunderbirders! With a productive December and a good rest now behind us, the team is ready for an amazing year. Since the last update, we’ve had some successes that have felt great. We also completed a retrospective on a major pain point from last year. This has been humbling and has provided an important opportunity for learning and improvement.

Exchange Web Services support in Rust

Prior to the team taking their winter break, a cascade of deliverables passed the patch review process and landed in Daily. A healthy cadence of task completion saw a number of features reach users and lift the team’s spirits:

Keep track of feature delivery here.

Account Hub

The overhauled Account Hub passed phase 1 QA review! A smaller team is handling phase 2 enhancements now that the initial milestone is complete. Our current milestone includes tasks for density and font awareness, refactoring of state management, OAuth prompts and more, which you can follow via Meta bug & progress tracking.

Global Database & Conversation View

Progress on the global database project was significant in the tail end of 2024, with foundational components taking shape. The team has implemented a database for folder management, including support for adding, removing, and reordering folders, and code for syncing the database with folders on disk. Preliminary work on a messages table and live view system is underway, enabling efficient filtering and handling of messages in real time. We have developed a mock UI to test these features, along with early documentation. Next steps include transitioning legacy folder and message functionality to a new “magic box” system, designed to simplify future refactoring and ensure a smooth migration without a disruptive “Big Bang” release.


The future of email encryption has been on our minds lately. We have planned and started work on bridging the gap between some of the factions and solutions which are in place to provide quantum-resistant solutions in a post-quantum world. To provide ourselves with the breathing room to strategize and bring stakeholders together, we’re looking to hire a hardening team member who is familiar with encryption and comfortable with lower level languages like C. Stay tuned if this might be you!

In-App Notifications

With phase 1 of this project complete, we uplifted the feature to 134.0 Beta and notifications were shared with a significant number of users on both beta and daily releases in December. Data collected via Glean telemetry uncovered a couple of minor issues that have been addressed. It also provided peace of mind that the targeting system works as expected. Phase 2 of the project is well underway, and we have already uplifted some features and now merged them with 135.0 BetaMeta Bug & progress tracking.

Folder & Message Corruption

In the aftermath of our focused team effort to correct corruption issues introduced during our 2023 refactoring and solve other long-standing problems, we spent some time in self-reflection to perform a post mortem on the processes, decisions and situations which led to data loss and frustrations for users. While we regret a good number of preventable mistakes, it is also helpful to understand things outside of our control which played a part in this user-facing problem. You can find the findings and action plan here. We welcome any productive recommendations to improve future development in the more complex and arcane parts of the code.

New Features Landing Soon

Several requested features and fixes have reached our Daily users and include…

As usual, if you want to see things as they land, and help us squash some early bugs, you can always check the pushlog and try running daily, which would be immensely helpful for catching things early.

See you next month after FOSDEM!

Toby Pilling

Senior Manager, Desktop Engineering

13 responses

Will wrote on

I am really interested to try out the Exchange support. Thunderbird doesn’t autodetect my account though so I am waiting for manual configuration which is blocked on the new Account Hub based on this comment ( Maybe one day….

Monica Ayhens-Madon wrote on

Sorry the wait is taking longer than expected, but monitoring the bug is absolutely the best way to stay updated on progress re: Exchange support!


We use the platform for our clients that we TAG or STAR which accentuates the emails from the trash and hold the TAG for future references. The TAGS are effective as they are most visible for staff searching for current and back orders Unfortunately the TAGS are not permanent and are eliminated once the program is closed……unlike the STARED selections.

Monica Ayhens-Madon wrote on

Gill, this sounds like a bug – the tags should persist once the program is closed. Do you mind opening up a bug report on Bugzilla ( so we can try to see what’s going on?

Horst Röhler wrote on

Meine E-Mail: ist nicht mehr nutzbar, da zu voll.
Wie kann diese wieder aktiviert werden?
Bitte die Antwort in deutsch!

Monica Ayhens-Madon wrote on

Leider sind wir nicht in der Lage, Probleme in Kommentaren zu beheben. Bitte wenden Sie sich an oder, wenn Sie es vorziehen, an ein inoffizielles deutschsprachiges Support-Forum:

(Übersetzt mit DeepL)

Diane Burger wrote on

can’t get my emails

Monica Ayhens-Madon wrote on

Diane, we’re sorry you’re having problems with your emails, but unfortunately we aren’t able to troubleshoot your issue here. Please go to and search for your issue or open a new ticket. Thanks!

Humphrey Brompeter wrote on

Dear Team,

Do you recommend using a program called MozBackup to make a copy of one’s email history? I have done so in the past in order to re-install Thunderbird on new PCs, and it has always proven reliable. I wondered whether you have an solution that does the same job?

Best wishes

Humphrey B

Monica Ayhens-Madon wrote on

Hey there – we consulted the team and we don’t recommend 3rd party programs (especially since MozBackup hasn’t been updated in nearly a decade). Our support team’s recommendation is to use your OS’s backup utility, or whatever you use that backs up your Operating system and folders. We hope this helps!

Tom Smith wrote on

While I’m positve a bunch of folks are delighted with Thunderbird Mobile. I am not one of them (I use Macs).

Played around a bit with T-Bird desktop….pretty damn cool, and I’m uninstalling now. If I can’t use rthe same client type for desktop and mobile, then you’ve lost me.


Monica Ayhens-Madon wrote on

Thanks for your comments, and even though it will be a bit before the final product is ready, we just announced we’re hiring an iOS engineer to start work on Thunderbird for the iPhone and iPad. We plan to have alpha code available for testing by the end of the year, and we’ll be announcing our progress here on the blog if you’d like to try us once we’re on Test Flight.

Mód Gábor wrote on

Very nice

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